måndag 20 augusti 2012

welcome bbq!

Left home early this morning to atend a welcome bbq for all the exhange students here in my district. We meet in a park and had some "Australian" bread (pinnbröd), some type of sasuges and lots of sweets. 

Some of the outbound students were there to. They are leaving in January to their different country's. Nobody is going to Sweden sadly enough.

To wrap it all up everything ended with some Australian games!
It was eating a biscuit with Vegemite and whistle, egg throwing and thong(flip-flops) throwing. I was only able to take one bite of the biscuit with Vegemite and then run and wash my mouth with water. In the egg throwing were me and Diana a pair. We came last both times.. mostly because I can't catch an egg. We did it twice and both time the egg splashed in my hands.
When it came to the thong throwing Christine seed that I "had" to win. Thong throwing is apparently a Dee Why speciality.
Somehow I was able to throw the thong far enough to win.. funny when I cant even throw a ball 3 meters.  Got my price anyway, a box of Timtams!! jummy!!

Me and Jessie


Me and Diana

The wonderful picture above is on me and three "soldiers". They had a little show, where they were shooting with their guns.

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